Tuesday 17 March 2009

ahaii2.. alo semua.. mwa mwa

aiih.. aiih..
ngeblogs.. hahahhaa
disuruh guru guee..
karena ternyata ngeblogs tuh bisa ngebantuin kita untuk memanage ato untuk take notes pada aktivitas - aktivitas atau tugas - tugas alias TO-DO list yg harus kita kerjain.. hahahaha


1. Selesaiin Personal & Professional Skills Assignment.
2. Mulai diskusi Assignment Organisational Behaviour.
3. Mulai Diskusi atau MULAI MENULIS Case Study Economics. 
4. Menyibukkan diri sehingga tidak bisa mengingat "HE WHO MUST NOT BE NAMED"
5. Download SAM/Shoutcast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRR lol

yaa.. kira-kira itulah kerjaan gue...

setelah liburan panjang yang membuat gue nganggur dari blogging dan kerjaannya cuma baca NGUPING JAKARTA (rekomendasi dari rheza), dan juga setelah bersedih-sedih ngga jelas, mikir aneh-aneh..
AKHIRNYAAA.. gue bisa kembali lagi ke dunia maya dengan kesibukan belajar gue, yang tentunya membantu sekali dalam proses pencernaan otak maupun lambung.  o_O
yaa pokoknya gitulah..
dan tentunya JOMBLOOOO..
yaa gue jomblo jg.. dan lagi nonton JOMBLO juga (lagi).. hauhuahuahua
dengan judul lagunya Serious - SENDIRI ITU INDAH!!!!!

sekian untuk blog kali ini.. 

Salam cipok,

Friday 23 January 2009


Jadi pernahkah kamu memiliki seorang "Nimo"?
Seseorang yang menjadi obsesi kamu selama bertahun - tahun? atau di kasusmu, 
mungkin kamu adalah "Nimo" untuk orang yang lain tanpa kamu sendiri sadari, dan di lain pihak kamu justru menjadi "Rahmi" untuk
seorang "Nimo" yang lain?


Still.. Love Is a Question (???)

just some quotes from a book called 'cintapuccino'

- Teori kotak kado: kenal sama orang itu kayak buka kotak kado.. kadang suka isinya, kadang ngga.
- 'is there any sign or we just make it up in our mind? That we only see what our eyes want to see?' (while rahmi wants to find "why him" in her version)
- knowing that he's not perfect after all even make me think that he's even more perfect than before. -
- we always need to find our why when we fall for someone, right? -
- but what is happiness anyway? 
achieving something? getting something that you really want? or on the other hand, not wanting something? the feeling of satisfaction even you only have less?
maybe about getting what you want. - 
- selalu ada harga yang harus di bayar untuk sesuatu -
- so here I am.. preparing for the worst, but still hoping for the best. - 

hmm... obsession.. what's obsession.. ?
what's love..?

few years back.. I had a story.. similar with this book. not everything.. 
just the obsession part.. perhaps.. 
well, mine's not obsession I think. not yet.
I didn't try to get into the same course with him.. and I don't think I'll go to the same workplace with him..

I just find a few sentences that I like.. the quotes. 
this is nothing about confession,, or whatever it is.
Just a bit flashback.
and still I'm asking myself..
what's happiness?
what's love..?
even though sometimes I could tell my friends.. about love.. in my version.. 
I doubt it.. now.
maybe, love isn't just about feelings.. 
maybe.. all things about love that I said, isn't really love.
maybe.. its just a simple 'like'.

love.. is still a question..
at least for me..