Friday 11 May 2012

The long vacation

Today, yet again, a friend of mine was talking about blog.
That reminds me that I have one, and have been neglecting it.

I saw that the latest post I had was March 3rd, 2010. 
2 years.. 
It has been 2 years since my last post.. 
A lot.. when i say 'a lot' i mean A LOT has been going on.

Those people that I've mentioned before, some of them still fill in my days.. 
Couple more than the others.. 

Incidents.. misunderstandings.. affections.. disappointments.. 
those are just some stuff that happened in 2 years.. 

People change.. 
better or worse..
Some like the way they change.. some don't.. 

Some trying to be better.. 
Some trying to get their old self back.. 

Some giving up.. some still trying to hold on.. 
some trying to forget .. some trying to keep remembering.. 


What is life ? 

Something that you're facing and doing right now , that you have to go on no matter what ? 
A phase or sequence that you just doing without knowing where you want to go ? 

what are you looking for ? 
what are you waiting for ? 
what do you want to do ?
where do you want to go ? 

are you a man of planning, that you plan ahead on what you have to do or what you're going to do? 
or are you just someone who goes with the flow that you don't know what may come and face it ?


good surprises.. bad surprises.. 

Complicated.. complicated..

life is complicated.. human minds are complicated.. 
different people with different characteristic with different interest make it even more complicated..

Freedom.. Democratic.. 

even though you may not like it but you can't stop your curiosity .. 
to know more.. to involve more.. to try more.. 
there is  this switch in your head, try to understand more..

or perhaps sometimes, you fall for something you believe the most and stuck in it and just following it blindly..


people.. human being.. they like to see good things among them..
they always try to avoid stories that will bring them sadness
unhappy feelings.. 

but perhaps the truth is nothingness.. 

that's why people loves fairytales..
because fairytales always have a happy ending..

but, what's happy ending ? 
it's an ending that hasn't end yet ?

if you want a happy ending , it depends on where you stop the story.. 

2 years...

I guess I have been a thinker since i was younger.. 
but perhaps , with all that happened in 2 years, make me even a little more mature, or simply curious.

still.. a lot of things to learn.. 
a lot process..

sometimes, the question is simple..

are you happy ?

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